
miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

FORBES Simon (Hairdresser)

This stark, androgynous image of hair fashion is the work of Simon Forbes, owner of Antenna, the salon famous for developing hair extensions. The picture represents hair as sculpture and created a cutting-edge, "anti-beauty" statement that followed from the punk and new wave proclivity for making hair an intrinsic part of the costume. Forbes invented the Monofibre Extensions technique, which allowed greater creativity for stylists to do this. Synthetic was grafted onto real hair to give it instant and dramatic length. It was often dyed with vivid colours and wrapped with rags. With this and his electric clippering and precision razoring. Forbes became the directional hairdresser of the early 1980s and his salon became a fashion venue. Extensions, which were inspired by the urban street style of Rastafarians, were sported by musicians such as Boy George and Annie Lennox. 

Also look up for Boy George, Ettedgui, Recine, Stewart

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