
martes, 22 de enero de 2019

FERRETTI Alberta (Designer)

Two women recline on a chaise longue in ethereal chiffon dresses. The overall effect is one of old-fashioned prettiness, yet their gaze and pose are self-assured, undermining any sense of passivity that prettiness might imply. "I like to think I design feminine clothes", says Ferretti. "Everything is created by a woman for women, understanding what they want". That vision is a particularly delicate one. Ferretti developed a special appreciation of textiles, especially daintily beaded or embroidered chiffons and sari silks, through watching her couturière mother at work. A young entrepreneur, she opened her own designer clothes shop at the age of seventeen. At the end of the twentieth century, Ferretti was one of the most powerful businesswomen in Italy, manufacturing not only her own collections but those of Narciso Rodriguez and Jean Paul Gaultier. 

Also look up for Von Etzdorf, Fendi, Prada, Rodriguez, Roversi 

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