In a scene created by photographer Sarah Moon, a plaid pinafore by Cacharel is worn by a doll-like figure who lies on a vast sewing machine. The designer, Jean Bousquet, founded his company Cacharel in 1958 with an aim to represent a wild, free image; rejecting the formality of clothing favoured by older generations. As such, Bousquet was part of the new ready-to-wear scene in Paris along with Christiane Bailly, Michèle Rosier and Emmanuelle Khanh. In 1961 the company produced a blouse constructed without bust darts; the result was a best-selling fitted shirt that became an icon for the brand. A collaboration with Liberty in the late 1960s also became a commercially successful and iconic partnership. Bringing the brand into the new millennium, husband and wife design team Clements Ribeiro were appointed as artistic directors in 2000, a position that is now held by Ling Liu and Dawei Sun, who took over in 2011.
Also look up for Bailly, Clements, Khanh, Liberty, Moon, Rosier, Troublé
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